Demon Currys iPad showered kids with HARD-CORE smut

Dixons Retail has issued a grovelling apology after a demon fondleslab possessed with porn beamed smut directly into the eyes of children at a Currys store in Surrey.

According to a report in the Surrey Comet, a distressed mother, who asked to remain nameless, said her three children were confronted with the filth on entering the store in New Malden before she could avert their gaze.

“They were only 10 seconds ahead so I was there within a click of a finger, but they were on the iPad, which was sitting there fully loaded with hardcore porn.

“You are not talking soft but the most disgusting images. There were maybe 20 images loaded and flashing and changing. It took me a minute to even realise what I was looking at,” she told the paper.

The mother, whose kids range from toddler to teen, left the store without an iPad for Xmas and confessed to crying for days after the incident.

She said her youngest still remembers the grot and “laughs”, so you can bet your last penny that the teen has it ingrained in memory too.

The appearance of the porn, according to Currys, was due to a breakdown in the store’s internet blacklisting systems, which block shoppers from surfing dodgy sex sites or other illicit or illegal material online, a spokesman told The Reg.

“We would like to apologise to the customer for the incident that should not have happened but was the result of a system failure, which has been investigated and is currently being corrected.

“Our network provider has acknowledged the issue in this store and is taking immediate steps to resolve it with the device and improve the monitoring to make sure this type of issue is picked up sooner before it impacts customers.” ®

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