‘Evil’ hacker gets two and a half years in the slammer

Australia’s most notorious country town, truck driving, cyber criminal David ‘Evil’ Cecil has been handed a two-and-a-half year prison sentence after being arrested nearly a year ago.

Cecil hacked into telco service provider Platform Networks, owned by the ASX-listed Eftel Group and was charged with one count of an unauthorised modification of data and 49 counts of accessing restricted data. Pleading guilty, Cecil is now eligible for parole in 12 months.

The Australian Federal Police said that Ceil “acted with an extreme and unusual level of malice and with no regard to the damage caused, indiscriminately targeting both individuals and companies.”

The AFP, which ran a six month investigation into his hacking antics, also alleged that his hacking was motivated by ego attempting to prove his kills after complaining he could not get work in the IT sector.

The original attack on Platform Networks was muddied by inaccurate reports that Australia’s National Broadband Network had been hacked as Platform was signed on as an NBN retail service provider, but had not yet gone live on the service.

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