The CISO’s Drive to Consolidation

Cutting back on the number of security tools you’re using can save money and leave you safer. Here’s how to get started.

Industry reports vary, but experts estimate that the modern CISO uses somewhere between 55 and 75 discrete security products. Vendors are often guilty of overpromising and underdelivering — the reality rarely lives up to the marketing. This puts CISOs in an ironic situation — often, the tool they bought to make their lives easier ended up causing more headaches.

This is an endemic issue, but what do you do when you have too many tools that integrate poorly, require different expertise, and provide too much data but not an overall view to the security risk level? Consolidation sounds attractive. After all, what CISO wouldn’t want to reduce clutter, cut costs, and simplify procedures — but where to start?

Begin with Data Quality
CISOs know there is no perfect solution for security. Clearly, multiple security solutions are needed to cover the security controls. However, CISOs should strive to maximize the value of each investment and reduce the number of tools. To cut through the noise and data coming from tools (specifically, those that identify vulnerabilities and control failures), a great place to start is by increasing the confidence that data coming out them is complete and accurate.

By taking measures to ensure that the data is accurate, CISOs can drive remediation more efficiently and know what to fix first to get the greatest ROI on their security investments. It also leads to getting access to automated analytics and reducing the need to manually work through multiple reporting processes for different tools.

Approaching Consolidation
A key reason that CISOs have too many tools is that they have continued to buy tools and rarely decommission any; this results in in overlapping functionality but doesn’t always close all gaps in coverage.

We need to consolidate/reduce the number of security tools we use, and we need to establish discipline around the process of adding new security solutions. This is not as simple as going through each of the tools and deciding if it adds value or if its function is or can be provided by another tool. Instead, we need to determine which security tools are needed by using two core fundamentals: Each security tool should align with a significant risk in the security framework, and each tool implemented should reduce risk to the company, be able to measure the reduction in risk, and be capable of sustaining that risk reduction.

Aligning with a Security Framework
By developing a security framework based on National Institute of Standards and Technology or some other standard, and then selecting a set of security controls around each category of security, a comprehensive view of your security landscape can be developed. From that view, we can take each significant area of security and begin to develop systems and processes that achieve those controls.

Only after developing these processes do we begin to select tools that help implement and control the processes. Each tool should fulfill a specific need in the security controls framework. For example, let’s take the area of system vulnerability management. We shouldn’t start picking our tool to scan our systems until we understand all of the controls that manage the process to patch our systems on a timely and complete basis. We should only select the appropriate tool(s) once we understand what it or they must achieve.

How to Approach Consolidation
The objective of having security systems is to lower the risk of an event that negatively affects the company (e.g., financial, reputational, or regulatory risk). We must keep this in mind when designing processes and selecting security tools. As we implement security processes and tools, we should ensure that the end solution does the following:

  • Covers the entire intended landscape across the company. For example, if we scan only 70% of the environment for system vulnerabilities, we may not adequately reduce risk to the company.
  • Provides sufficient information to act. For example, if we select a system vulnerability scanner and it provides great detail on the vulnerability and inherent risk but does not provide context to the importance to the company or context as to the owner of the system, then the tool/system is not providing sufficient information to reduce the risk sufficiently.
  • Sustains the control, meaning it should automate the control and monitoring processes. Otherwise, the risk will grow again after expending efforts and monies to remediate.

To further refine the approach to security tools, we also need to address risk. All systems and tools do not provide the same level of risk reduction. By focusing on those security domains that carry the highest risk, one can prioritize the selection and implementation of security tools.

By taking this risk-based, end-to-end, and sustainable approach to implementing security processes (and their related tools), we can begin to permanently solve areas of security that historically have remained despite all the tools and money we have thrown at them. Armed with this newly available knowledge, we can permanently solve some longstanding areas of security.

Ultimately, with enhanced data quality and automation plus the consolidation of tools, CISOs can confidently enhance their company’s cyber-risk posture.

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Nik Whitfield is the founder and CEO at Panaseer. He founded the company with the mission to make organizations cybersecurity risk-intelligent. His  team created the Panaseer Platform to automate the breadth and depth of visibility required to take control of … View Full Bio

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