Twitter ‘Stalker app’ just a phishing scam

A “Stalkers app” doing the rounds on Twitter is actually a phishing scam, security watchers warn.

The Stalkers app, which purports to be officially sanctioned and to track people who are “stalking your Twitter”, is promoted via messages linking to the application, which does nothing except coax victims into handing over their usernames and passwords to crooks.

Although the jump page for the app might appear at first to be a legitimate Twitter page, a closer inspection of its URL reveals that the page has no relationship with the micro-blogging service. The scam is ultimately designed to gain access to compromised accounts that can then be abused either to further promote the rogue app or to send spam-related or malicious site links to a compromised user’s followers.

Victims who make the mistake of reusing their Twitter passwords elsewhere, such as on banking or webmail sites, also expose these more sensitive accounts to attack.

Details of the latest Twitter password scam, along with plenty of helpful advice on improving password security, can be found in a blog post by Sophos here. ®

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