Anonymous squirts all over NORKS in birthday surprise outrage

Anonymous hackers have sent North Korean despot Kim Jong-un a little present on the anniversary of his grandfather’s birthday: they vandalised key Nork websites and posted their handiwork on a hijacked Twitter account.

The @uriminzokkiri account was taken over earlier this month in the first round of attacks against North Korean government websites and propaganda outlets. That offensive was launched after the Jong-un regime ratcheted up its warmongering rhetoric against the US and its allies.

The attack was notable for the apparent teamwork shown by sworn internet foes – hacktivist clan Anonymous and hacker The Jester – in targeting the reclusive totalitarian state.

In an update on Monday the hacked urimizokkiri account warned: “More of North Korean websites are in our hand. They will be brought down.”

News site uriminzokkiri and were subsequently knocked offline this week, we’re told, and hackers defaced three sites with a cartoon depicting Kim Jong-un as a pig:, and

At the time of writing uriminzokkiri and were back online but the others appeared unavailable.

April 15 is the birth date of DPRK founder, “Eternal President” and “Great Leader” Kim Il-sung and usually a public holiday of stage-managed celebrations and celebratory parades, although by all accounts yesterday passed in relatively low-key style.

It should be noted that attacks on Nork websites is unlikely to have much of an impact on the hermit state’s population, given that most locals aren’t permitted access to the world wide web. ®

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