Crack the Defenses of iOS and other Platforms at Black Hat USA

Get the latest insights into how to attack and defend platforms like iOS, MacOS, and Windows 10 at this upcoming August security conference.

Cybersecurity professionals, take note: There’s an entire track of Platform Security Briefings lined up for Black Hat USA this August that will equip you with the latest knowledge, tools, and tricks to improve or compromise the security of iOS Windows hardware and software.

Apple security professionals will be presenting Behind the scenes of iOS and Mac Security, an in-depth 50-minute Briefing that will demo everything from code integrity enforcement on Apple chips (including the A12 Bionic and S4) to the T2 security chip. You’ll get a guided walkthrough of processes like the T2 secure boot, with stops along the way to examine common attacks and defenses at each stage. Most importantly, you’ll be introduced to two publicly undisclosed firmware security measures.

For outside perspective on the same tech check out Inside The Apple T2, in which Duo Labs researchers will give you an assessment of the T2 chip’s security posture and the strengths and weaknesses of its communication with MacOS. They’ll also demonstrate the ability to interface directly with the T2 chip from unprivileged user space code by writing their own client application, and present methods and tooling to query the T2’s exposed services as well as decode and encode valid messages.

For some insight into the security of Microsoft’s Windows platform, make time to attend Battle of Windows Service: A Silver Bullet to Discover File Privilege Escalation Bugs Automatically. In this 25-minute Briefing you’ll see how one researcher created a “silver bullet” to discover Windows 10 file privilege escalation bugs, then used it to discover at least four new vulnerabilities. You’ll also see how this technique makes use of the Advanced Local Procedure Call (ALPC), found new attack surfaces, and devised a system to discover file privilege escalation bugs automatically. Plus, you’ll learn advanced skills about how to exploit those vulnerabilities, bypass the security check, and play with impersonation. Don’t miss it!

Black Hat USA returns to the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas August 3-8, 2019. For more information on what’s happening at the event and how to register, check out the Black Hat website.

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