Wikileaks given data on Swiss bank accounts

A former Swiss banker says he will pass on data containing account details of 2,000 prominent people to Wikileaks.
The data – which is not yet available on the Wikileaks website – is held on two discs to be passed on by Rudolf Elmer at a press conference in London.
Mr Elmer, who has given data to Wikileaks before, was fired from Swiss bank Julius Baer in 2002.
He is scheduled to go on trial in Switzerland on Wednesday for breaking bank secrecy laws.
According to a report in Swiss newspaper Der Sonntag, Mr Elmer does not expect the data to become immediately available on the whistle-blowing website, as it must first undergo a vetting process.
He said the data included the offshore accounts of about 40 politicians, and covers accounts at three banks, including his former employer.