TRUSTe Study Shows Many Consumers More Concerned About Mobile Privacy Than A Phone’s Brand Or Screen Size

LONDON, September 5, 2013 /PRNewswire/ —

TRUSTe Unveils Latest Consumer Mobile Privacy Research, Kicks Off Global

‘Powering Trust’ Roadshow

TRUSTe [ ], the leading global data privacy management

(DPM) company, today released findings from its 2013 UK Consumer Data Privacy

Study: Mobile Edition [ ] conducted online by Harris Interactive on behalf of TRUSTe among more than 900 UK smartphone users between 12 June – 19 June 2013. The study provides a valuable barometer on current consumer perceptions and mobile privacy trends by examining issues, such as data collection, geo-location tracking, mobile advertising and privacy management responsibility. TRUSTe will share the full research results in a series of “Powering Trust [ ]” roadshow events to provide brands and publishers with information and tools to manage the privacy challenges in today’s data economy.

Among the top findings: many smartphone users are more concerned about mobile privacy than a phone’s brand, screen size, camera resolution or weight; more than three-quarters of smartphone users won’t download an app they don’t trust; and although the majority of those surveyed don’t like the concept of tracking, nearly half (46%) of smartphone users are still unaware it even happens.

“With mobile privacy concerns running higher than ever, the business implications simply can’t be ignored,” said Chris Babel, CEO for TRUSTe. “If a user won’t download an app or share location data, mobile commerce – and technology innovation – takes a hit. To secure their future growth, companies must address mobile privacy concerns now – giving users what they’re asking for with more transparency and control over their privacy choices.”

Coinciding with the release of its UK mobile survey, TRUSTe also announced findings from its “2013 US Consumer Data Privacy Study: Mobile Edition.” See study here [ ]

2013 UK Consumer Data Privacy Study: Mobile Edition – Detailed Findings

Mobile privacy concerns increasing

– 76% of smartphone users surveyed won’t download an app they don’t trust,

(up from 68% in 2012)

– Privacy is the primary concern for 20% of smartphone users when using mobile

apps, second only to battery life at 45% – but more than other phone attributes, like

brand (13%) screen size (11%), camera resolution (3%), weight (2%)

– 54% of smartphone users are frequently or always concerned about privacy when

banking online, the online activity causing mobile users the greatest concern,

followed by shopping online (50%)

Awareness of mobile tracking is low

Awareness of mobile behavioural advertising is relatively low, and, regardless of awareness, the majority of those surveyed do not like tracking. Specifically:

– 46% of smartphone users are not aware that tracking takes place on mobile

(compared with 24% being unaware on the desktop)

– 70% of smartphone users surveyed do not like the idea of being tracked on

their mobile phones (compared with 47% on the desktop)

Mobile users are less willing to share personal data than a year ago

47% of smartphone users surveyed will not share any personal information in exchange for free or lower cost mobile apps. The study found that smartphone users are less willing to share personal data in general compared with TRUSTe’s

2012 research


]. The vast majority of users will NOT share: contact information (98%); precise location data (92%).or web surfing behaviour (91%).

While offering apps for free or at a reduced cost will entice 35% of smartphone users to share some information, this is down from 40% in 2012 – and 47% still refuse to share any information.

Mobile users still hold themselves most responsible for protecting privacy

– 69% of those surveyed responded that they are ultimately responsible for protecting their own privacy

Mobile users checking for privacy policies and trust marks 37% of smartphone users surveyed said they check to make sure whether a mobile app has a privacy policy, and nearly 17% check to see if the app has a privacy trust mark or seal. Additionally, 32% research apps online and 22% check with friends before sharing personal information.

Full details of TRUSTe’s findings can be found here

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