US Senator’s Twitter account back after hack

The office of US Senator Chuck Grassley has confirmed that his Twitter account was taken over and used to launch anti-SOPA messages on Monday, US time.

According to Reuters, at least eight messages were sent by someone claiming to be part of Anonymous while the Senator was flying from Iowa to Washington.

In this video, the attacker apparently shows nearly ten minutes of tweeting-as-@ChuckGrassley:

The main message was “Dear Iowans, vote against ACTA, SOPA, and PIPA, because this man, Chuck Grassley, wants YOUR internet censored and all of that BS” – noted in many headlines as offering better grammar than the Senator typically uses.

Senator Grassley has since regained control over his account and had the password changed. While among sponsors of SOPA’s counterpart in the Senate, the Protect IP Act (PIPA), he withdrew his support last week. ®

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