Worried about hacker-infested waters? Fret not. Sophos Security SOS Week will come to the rescue this month

Promo Get up to speed with everything you need to know about keeping yourself and your business safe on the web, social media, and the cloud, without having to leave your desk, during the Sophos Security SOS Week from 8-12 July.

Five top experts from the UK software and hardware security company will share their advice and expertise on an essential range of cybersecurity topics, all wrapped up in a series of 40-minute podcast interviews with Sophos Naked Security writer and senior technologist Paul Ducklin.

Here’s a taster of what’s on the agenda:

Phishing and privacy: protecting your online persona

Every time you reveal a piece of information about yourself, you could be helping crooks sidestep your defences, guess your passwords, and blend in unnoticed with your digital life or your company’s network. Sophos security expert James Burchell can explain how to avoid the pitfalls in clear and entertaining language.

Let social media be your friend

Services such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are great for building your brand, enhancing your business, or just talking to friends. However, these sites are also an easy way to accidentally reveal more information about yourself than you would otherwise wish. Join website cybersecurity specialist Mark Stockley to learn how to keep both your business and your family safe on social media.

Don’t be a victim on the web

From apps in the cloud to the online services you offer, you need to keep the bad stuff out and the good stuff in, making sure your users are not hindered while the crooks don’t get round your security measures. Sales engineer Benedict Jones knows firsthand how hard criminals try to get at your own and your customers’ data. Learn how to stop them in their tracks.

How to love the cloud

Embracing the cloud is great: someone else looks after your servers and provides you with all the apps you need. But there are security worries, too: who else is in the server room? Were the latest patches actually applied? Who’s been fiddling with the configuration files? Security expert and keen honeypot researcher Matt Boddy has the answers.

The tricks and traps of modern malware

Learn from the knowledgeable and passionate Fraser Howard of SophosLabs on how to deal with multi-stage, multi-pronged malware attacks. Don’t miss this important episode.

As a bonus, the company is giving away a zip jacket and a pair of Sophos socks to five lucky attendees with every podcast.

All the details you need are right here.

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