Worried about hackers? Catch a lifeline with this month’s Sophos SOS cybersecurity podcasts
Promo If worries about cybersecrity threats to your business and private data are keeping you awake at night, soothe your nerves by tuning into the Sophos SOS Security Week series of podcasts from 8-12 July, and find out what you need to know to be better prepared.
Five top experts from the UK encryption and antivirus company will share their experience and advice in a series of 40-minute interviews with Sophos senior technologist Paul Ducklin. The podcasts cover everything from phishing to common web, cloud, and social media dangers.
Tune in and brush up your knowledge of the following topics:
Phishing and privacy online
Any information you reveal about yourself could help crooks bypass your defences, guess your passwords, and sneak into your life or your company’s network. Sophos senior sales engineer James Burchell explains how to avoid the pitfalls in clear and entertaining language.
Make the best of social media
Sites such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Snapchat are great for building your brand – though they can also tempt you into giving away more than you should. Join Mark Stockley, the man who keeps the Naked Security site running, to learn how to keep both your business and your family safe on social media.
Don’t let the cybercriminals in
From your apps in the cloud to the valuable online services you offer, you need to make sure criminals don’t get round your security measures. Sales engineer Benedict Jones knows how hard they try to get at your business data, and how to stop them succeeding.
How to love the cloud
Moving to the cloud is great: someone else will look after your servers and provide you with all the apps you need. But do you know who else is in the server room? Are you up to date with the latest patches? Who’s been working on the configuration files? Security expert and keen honeypot researcher Matthew Boddy offers guidance.
The tricks and traps of malware
The knowledgeable Fraser Howard of SophosLabs explains how to deal with multi-stage, multi-pronged malware attacks.
As a bonus, five lucky attendees at every podcast will receive a zip jacket and a pair of Sophos socks.
All the details you need are here.
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Balancing consumerization and corporate control
Article source: http://go.theregister.com/feed/www.theregister.co.uk/2019/07/05/sophos_sos_podcasts/