Yet another OSX/Java Trojan spotted in the wild

Hard on the heels of the Flashback Trojan, Kaspersky Labs is warning of a new OSX threat, which it’s dubbed Backdoor.OSX.SabPub.a.

In a post to Securelist, Kaspersky’s Costin Raiu says the Trojan connects to a command and control server hosted on a Californian-based VPS associated with the free DNS.

Apparently a month old, the Trojan uses a Java exploit given the name in the Kaspersky post, with the ZelixKlassMaster obfuscator to try and get past malware detection products.

Although Raiu says the infection vector is “not clear”, he said there are reports suggesting the Trojan is spread via e-mails directing users to URLs hosting the malware (located in the USA and Germany).

In a second post, however, Raiu fingers infected Office documents as the vector. He also states that the Trojan is in “active stage”, after the CC server took control of a “goat” machine operated by Kaspersky and started looking for documents.

Similarities to the LuckyCat attacks, which also used infected documents, lead Raiu to suggest that like the earlier malware, SabPub may be targeting Tibetan activists. One of the document names Kasperky Labs has turned up in its analysis of SabPub, “10th March Statemnet” (sic), invokes the date of announcement by the Deli Lama.

The Microsoft Office vulnerability exploited by SabPub is CVE-2009-0563. ®

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