Twitter’s Top 10 Social CISOs

Wanted: CISO Tweeters

Who are the most socially-engaged chief information security officers? Researchers at the Boston security consulting firm K logix wanted to find out, and offered to share their results with us.

The research was based on a simple methodology starting with a search on Twitter for the title of CISO. Each CISO was given a score based on the number of followers, number of tweets, and ratio of number of followers to number of people they follow. The score for each of these categories was added together and then ranked to get the resulting list. We pared down the group to a Top 10 list but you can take a look at the entire collection here.

I’m sure there are many, many more social media-engaged CISOs who don’t identify themselves via Twitter. So if you are one — or have a recommendation for a colleague – please post the Twitter ID and related profile in the comments and we will keep a running list in order to expand the CISO Twittersphere.

(Images: K logix)

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